I am working on a wallpaper that is just about finished. When I view it in CorelDRAW it shows the way I would like to present it. Then I export it as a png file and then reopen it in CorelPaint to export again as a jpeg file, but at that point I get a white line around one of my highlights. I can't fix it in DRAW because I don't see it there. I cant fix it as a png file because at that point the file shows as a complete background.
I know I've run into this before while making an icon but for the life of me I don't remember how I fixed it!
Has anyone else run into this kind of problem with their Corel software? And if so, has there been a workaround?
Corky_O? RPGFX? Mormegil? Bueller? Anyone?
(I can't post the picture because I am submitting it in a contest and I don't think we are allowed to post it anywhere. But I could email it to anyone who think they may be able to help!)