Published on June 14, 2005 By 47songs In WinCustomize Talk
I am working on a wallpaper that is just about finished. When I view it in CorelDRAW it shows the way I would like to present it. Then I export it as a png file and then reopen it in CorelPaint to export again as a jpeg file, but at that point I get a white line around one of my highlights. I can't fix it in DRAW because I don't see it there. I cant fix it as a png file because at that point the file shows as a complete background.

I know I've run into this before while making an icon but for the life of me I don't remember how I fixed it!

Has anyone else run into this kind of problem with their Corel software? And if so, has there been a workaround?

Corky_O? RPGFX? Mormegil? Bueller? Anyone?

(I can't post the picture because I am submitting it in a contest and I don't think we are allowed to post it anywhere. But I could email it to anyone who think they may be able to help!)

on Jun 14, 2005
have you tried a preview after the png export to see if it's there? i was unsure if the line shows up on the png or when opened in the paint

how about another program to change to jpeg instead of corelpaint? if you don't have another, try irfanview = it's free

sorry, i don't have coreldraw so i can't offer solutions, just possible workarounds

I'm pretty sure the ole icon-a-day guru might stop by and offer a corel solution though.
on Jun 14, 2005
Thank you, Bichur, for your response. I really appreciated it!

I've made the wall in CorelDRAW at 1280x1024pixels. It opens in Infranview in a 96x96 size, and even though it's a complete vector graphic, when it is inlarged, the view is horrible! It looks as though it's become pixelated! At that point I can't tell if the white line is still there or not!

I tried opening the png file in Paint Shop Pro but it doesn't recognize the .cdr extention. That extention in DRAW is the last visible view that the lines don't show up. When opened as a png file it shows up.

Thanks again for your response, Bichur. I'll keep trying!
on Jun 14, 2005
I am not sure what is going on there, Donna, or if I can help - but go ahead and send it to me Email, and I will see what I can do.

I have CDraw 12, as well as Photoshop 7, though my guess would be in the grouping or combining of the highlight that the problem exists (not sure without looking at it).

Send the ".cdr" file as well as ".png" and I will try to help.

BTW - did you try to export as a jpeg bitmap?

Maybe Mormegil will stop by as well.
on Jun 15, 2005
I recently had a similar problem with something I was exporting from CorelDraw 10 - it was a button graphic, and it kept getting an extraneous white line in the middle of it. I finally determined that it was the outline, for some reason it was not exporting correctly, so I had to change the graphic to no outline and just use the fill color.

I don't know if this helps but I was also wondering why you didn't just export directly to jpg from Draw? Also, sometimes I have better luck if I want to work in PhotoPaint with something from Draw to export it to PhotoPaint format.
on Jun 15, 2005

I am not 100% Sure what the problem is, If you can send me the file I will take a look at it, and send it back to you. Or contact you with what I think it might be.

on Jun 15, 2005
Thanks, all! I've sent a couple of emails with attatchments.

Thanks for your response, Mountaindragon. I had thought about the outline but I've made sure that there isn't one. If I export directly to jpg from DRAW, I lose quality. I appreciate your input! Thanks!

on Jun 15, 2005
You're welcome. Btw, nice collection of guitars! Especially the 00028 - those small boxes can be real nice for finger-picking.
on Jun 15, 2005

The problem is that there is a bug in the way Corel Handles Transparent bitmaps, when they are on top of other bitmaps. I did some tweaking and found a quick solution.

The moral of the story was that Corel is temperamental when doing shadows, and bitmaps etc.. Avoid skewing or rotating them, you usually get better results if you they and generate, or regenerate them, at the angle the will be in the final file. This can be worked around, and most the time you will not even notice the problem. Just something to keep in mind.

on Jun 15, 2005
Thanks, Mountaindragon! I play mostly all fingerpicking now! The last time I used a pick I was all thumbs! LOL! I love my Martin! It plays and sounds as smooth as butter!
on Jun 15, 2005
you usually get better results if you they and generate

I'm glad you artists can understand each other.
on Jun 15, 2005
I'm not positive what Paul was getting at with the "if you they and generate" response as well! LOL! Right now my comcast internet isn't working and I've been trying to get on it all afternoon! GRRR! I'm on dialup right now as a back up but I don't remember how to function on dialup!

When I can get back up and running, mormegil, I do have MSN messenger and will try to contact you there.

on Jun 15, 2005

I just sent a reply to your message and included a ".zip" with a revised ".cdr" file, a ".png" at 1280x1024, and a ".jpeg" at 1280x1024.

I could not figure how to regenerate, but I was able to remove the bitmap edge anomalies by selecting the bitmap (your hightlight) and then using the interactive transparency tool across the width of the bitmap box at 90 degrees to bitmap vertical. If you do not go 90 degrees to vertical line of hightlight bitmap, some of the highlight is lost - I hope that makes sense.

I used full transparency (black) at the ends of the transparency path (which end just outside the side edges of the bitmap box) and used full opacity (white) at hightlight center.

CorelDRAW calls this "Lens" under each bitmap (which can be seen in Object Manager docker).

This effectively made the bitmap edges transparent after exporting to ".png" using the default settings (units are inches at 300 dpi).

Resized down to 1280x1024 and also saved as a .jpeg.

Look for the e-mail, the ".zip" is 2 MB in size which hopefully will get through.

BTW - Love the wall!!

on Aug 13, 2005
Donna, I wish I could help... I'm flattered that you asked for me by name! But I think that's just cause you knew I used Corel. Anyway, I don't do much more than export as jpeg in Corel, so I don't have any experience with what you're trying to do. Besides, this is 2 months late, so you surely have either solved your problem, or given up!
on Aug 13, 2005
Hi Rich. I had read somewhere that you used CorelDRAW. Yeah, mormegil and Corky_O helped me with the problem. Just some glitches in the program that were giving me some problems.

But thanks! All fixed now!!