IP saves icons in proper places!
Published on June 21, 2006 By 47songs In WinCustomize News
FINALLY!!! IP beta c-d has arrived! It's a welcome arrival for those who've had difficulty uploading Ip and saving them intact to distribute as a pack.

So far so good! Everything has worked as per Wc instructions!

on Jun 26, 2006
Sorry, I don't understand your post. What do you want to tell me?
on Jun 26, 2006

Sorry, I don't understand your post. What do you want to tell me?


47Songs is telling anyone that does not use Stardock Central (SDC) [and some that do perhaps] that Windowblinds (WB) and IconPacaker (IP) have been updated.
on Jun 27, 2006
Donna, Mine must have been late in coming because I just received mine (update) today through SDC....THX for the heads-up!!
on Jun 28, 2006
No new versions of either of these programs are currently available via Stardock's `download latest version' service.
on Jul 01, 2006
You're welcome, George!

Sheesh! I accidentally uploaded this to the news section. My apologies for that! I thought surely an administrator would redirect it, but that didn't happen. Not a problem. But I am glad the new update was made apparent.

Brimo, this update hasn't brought IP out of beta, just updated to 3.10.d. That's the latest update, and most importantly, at least for me (and I'm sure many others), is that it corrects the problem of saving the pack with icons placed in their respective spots.