Do you excersize/workout?
Published on January 30, 2005 By 47songs In WinCustomize Talk
It's that time of year again when advertisers are trying to peddle their excersize equipment. Over the years I've aquired a stair master, a ski machine, and ab helper, a stationary bike (plus I have a 10 speed for outdoors), weight bench with weights, weight machine... I've belonged to this gym and that gym (Gold's gym, Gym World...), this program and that program, from aerobasize, to water aerobics...

For right now, because of all the snow piled up on the streets in my town, I can't get outside to do much and I don't belong to any gym right now, so I've resorted to just riding my stationary bike. I ride it 3-4 days a week for an hour each time. I also do a little strength training with weights.

What turns you on in the excersize world? Or what turns you off? How many days a week to you excersize, work out ... and how many hours a day? Do you get your workouts from playing sports or are you a workout fanatic?

Or do you just let your fingers do the walking on your keyboard?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 30, 2005
Oh, I almost forgot! Just BE CAREFUL and don't smash anything! And always, ALWAYS us proper form!
on Jan 30, 2005
For me, controlling the diet is harder than the working out.

My workout is a mixture of Martial Arts (4 years of wushu), and weight training and cardio. Total of about 15 hours a week on average for it all.

As far as diet goes, the best that I can say is that I'm improving.
on Jan 30, 2005
Lots of martial arts people here! Interesting.

And Aleatoric, as long as we move forward, we are improving.
on Jan 30, 2005
Does finger Bends count...
on Jan 30, 2005
YES THEY DO COUNT, BUTCH!!!!! We need to excersize our fingers, and necks, ears, and minds!!
on Jan 30, 2005
I also exercise my machine.

on Jan 30, 2005
He exercises I watch..

on Jan 30, 2005
I wieght train 5 days a week and eat lo-carb!!! I'm 63 and feel great.
on Jan 30, 2005

I'd weight train...but find them too dumb and unresponsive....only ones I've seen are just lumps of inert metal.

Cycling keeps me fit [ish]....

on Jan 30, 2005
Ok, sorry. I tried to post real quick while I was running out the door. Most of my life was spent in hard traing for a few different Maritial Arts, the most rigorous of which was the hard style of Shotokan Karate (as opposed to the soft style of JuJitsu).

Great I found a partner. I am a martial artist too.
on Jan 30, 2005
Hey Black Xero. What discipline do you study?
on May 08, 2005
I eat only two meals a day.
Well, I do pushups and situps every morning.

And use my hands on the keyboard alot to fix my typos.

on May 08, 2005
Lets see... I work out my jaws with a healthy bowl of Cheez-Its, then I help my fingers out with typing, and thennnn... I sleep, so I can rest and do it all over again!

But seriously, I'm trying to be a healthier person. I'm going to try and follow Sleeping Dragon's dieting advice for a week or two...
on May 08, 2005
This is kinda surreal!
on May 08, 2005
Diet is just as important. You want a six pack? Cut out High Fructose Corn syrup (that means pop, any beverage sold at a gas station almost), anything white(bread, pasta)you should substitute with whole wheat, and anything deep fried (most fast foods). Eat protein to build muscle(fish, meat, beans), veggies and fruit, dairy (weight loss properties) and everything else in moderation. You'll feel better almost immediately. And eat often to keep your metabolism always working. Six moderate meals a day or 3 meals and 3 snacks. Stay away from binge eating and cut the alcohol down to only one a day. You'll look like Usher in no time. Probably should mention chips, too. If you eat them, you'll have chip hips.

I heartily second the diet advice. I had the unpleasant experience of visiting the doctor in mid-March and seeing the highest number on the scale I've ever seen. It was finally the proverbial straw that broke the equally proverbial camel's back. I immediately went low-carb...not Atkins or South Beach officially, just my own self-designed thing. (Like I eat fruits that are otherwise discouraged on Atkins or South Beach, because, although some fruits have higher carb counts, they also have good things like vitamins and minerals .) It's been more expensive to eat this way, but it's a way of eating that's actually very easy to follow and enjoy. Low-carb doesn't mean low-taste, believe me. Just eat healthy things, watch your portion sizes, and watch things happen. So far, after about 6 weeks, I've lost a little over 30 pounds, and plan to lose more.

And notice how I don't call it a "diet"...I know this sounds cliched, but it isn't a diet, it truly is a lifestyle change. Yes, it's been hard to give up bread, high-carb pasta, and sweets, but the benefits are more than worth it. It's the way I intend to eat for the rest of my life. But I'll also allow myself the occasional treat, especially once I've gotten closer to my ultimate weight loss goal. You can't completely deprive yourself, you've got to allow yourself a little treat every now and then, like a few French fries or a hamburger that's actually on a bun.

Now, as for exercise, comment . I know that if I exercised more, I'd be even farther along in my weight loss, but I must admit, I'm lazy .
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