Published on August 11, 2005 By 47songs In Icons
Found this at WinMAtrix:


I'm not too sure how official this really is, but they're worth a look.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 11, 2005
Thanks for the link, but I really doubt these are "official" icons.

on Aug 11, 2005
I do too. They're in a multitude of sizes and quality. But isn't it interesting that someone would have the gonads to declare they're "official?"
on Aug 11, 2005
I'm sure Vista "icons" will be the next things here since they have already made 100 bootskins about it.

on Aug 11, 2005
Thanks for the link, they could be official seeing as how the beta is out now. But an official release? nope.
on Aug 11, 2005
originally ported by nX07
hacked to work with xp by Mike_Wilson

Icons now work like normal xp icons with no errors.

I'd say that explains it
on Aug 11, 2005
I'm not gonna bother to download them, but honestly nothing would surprise me. When I finally got XP I expected something snazzy, and honestly the UI and icons they bothered to revamp were cheesy compared to what amateurs make at Wincusto.

But like I said on another article, that isn't their priority. They have enough trouble with function that I suppose any time they spent on form would get thrown in their face when the first virii hit.

It just seems like when they DO decide to change the looks of something, they could make it as good looking as possible. The default XP UI is sad, so honestly if these ended up being the icons, it wouldn't surprise me.
on Aug 11, 2005
I agree with Bakerstreet. However, I really don't care about the Windows GUI, that's what I have Stardock for.

on Aug 11, 2005
it's a farely nice complete looking set though- better than the ones i've seen on here anyways *which all looked like they were the same thing to me* there's a lot of "Vista" icon sets floating around - i nabbed mine by making a package of it when i used one of the transformation packs *most complete set i could get myself*
on Aug 14, 2005
Very Nice Icons and thanks a lot for sharing the link
on Aug 14, 2005
I agree with Bakerstreet. However, I really don't care about the Windows GUI, that's what I have Stardock for

I second that!
on Aug 14, 2005
It would help if they worked with Iconpackager. I have no idea how to install them unless I must do it one by one.
on Aug 16, 2005
I just create an iconpackage by drag-drop.
on Aug 17, 2005
Not worried if there official or not - they look like nice icons - much better than winxp's anyway
on Aug 22, 2005
They really look like the original vista icons!
only need a widget, that shows the Drive free- and full-space
like vista does.
on Aug 23, 2005
yeah i agree i do wish these were in an Iconpackage format already!

they are wicked icons though, i have had em for a couple o days now but have no clue what to do with em"

if anyone here......say.....wants to make a package of them that would be great! (lol)

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